Industrial Literature
With the Thioguard Advantage Package, it’s your process Mg+nified!™ Benefits outlined in this table require Thioguard’s superior technical grade magnesium hydroxide combined with the Thioguard Advantage Package of consulting, performance testing, inventory control and delivery services. TH3
COLLECTION SYSTEM Odors Corrosion FOG (Fats, Oil, Grease) Air Relief
95% reduction in odors 1. Surface pH >4 2. Minimal/No FOG 3. Reduced PS Energy Costs 4.
Customers can “dial in” 1. the desired level of treatment Best acid neutralization 2. prevents premature infrastructure corrosion & replacement, adds numerous benefi ts downstream Thioguard can reduce 3. FOG related SSOs. Thioguard can reduce 4. pumping costs on long force mains Thioguard is the only liquid phase treatment used in the collection system that can enhance the treatment process at theWastewater Treatment Plant. Thioguard added to the collection system or sludge digestion process can also help the digestion and dewatering processes at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Thioguard added at the plant or collection system is the only odor control
Reduced odors 1. Increased Surface pH 2. Reduced FOG 3. accumulations Decreased Pump Station 4. runtimes
Odalogs 1. Surface pH paper 2. Visual Inspection 3. Pump out frequency 4. Air Relief Valve Discharge 5. Volume and Frequency
Increases wastewater pH 1. Buffers long-range 2. Absorbs and complexes 3. odor compounds Facilitates chemical and 4. biological breakdown of FOG Minimizes gas evolution 5. Neutralizes acid/prevents 6. corrosion Reduces collection system 7. gas binding Increases wastewater pH 1. Sustainable non-carbonate 2. alkalinity Provides nutrient 3. enhancement for biological efficiency Improv es nitrification 4. efficiency Increases pH and buffering 1. alkalinity Stabilizes and enhances 2. volatile acid and methane generation
WASTEWATER TREATMENT BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) TSS (Total Suspended Solids) NH 3 (Ammonia) Phosphorus FOG BIOSOLIDS TREATMENT Digestion CH 4 Methane Production Enhanced Dewatering
Increased Bioreactor 1. Aeration Basin pH Increased Bioreactor 2. Alkalinity Lower SVI 3. (SludgeVolume Index)
Basin pH pr ofile 1. Soluble Alkalinity 2. Higher F/M (Food/Mass) 3. Ratio Lower Mixed Liquor 4. Suspended Solids Blower Run Times 5.
Increased Oxygen 1. Uptake Rate Lower Aeration 2. Energy Costs Lower SVI 3. Lower Solids 4. Production Higher Digester Gas 1. quantity and quality Increased Digester 2. Load Capacity Lower Solids 3. Disposal Costs Improved Phosphorus uptake and condition for Phosphorus wasting or recovery through side-stream treatments
pH Meter 1. Alkalinity Titration 2. Volatile Acid Analysis 3. pH pr ofile ac ross process 4. basins
Increased digester pH 1. and alkalinity Higher Alkalinity/Volatile 2. Acid ratio
NUTRIENT REMOVAL/ MODIFICATION Phosphorus-Removal Nitrogen-Removal
Increases pH and buffering 1. alkalinity Nutrient enhancement of 2. Phosphorus uptake
Increased Biological 1. Nutrient Removal pH and Alkalinity Reduced Total Phosphorus 2. and Nitrogen
pH Meter 1. Alkalinity Titration 2. Phosphorus and 3. Nitrogen Balance
strategy that can have positiv e influence on a BNR process. • 800.994.8801 • 1675 N. Main St. • Orange, CA 92867
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